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Transferring Data From One Server To Another Using PuTTY
BY: Mark

Transferring Data From One Server To Another Using PuTTY

Transferring data from one server to another using PuTTY typically involves using secure file transfer protocols such as SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) or SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). Here’s a general guide on how you can do this:
Using SCP:
Open PuTTY:
Launch PuTTY and connect to the source server using SSH.
Navigate to the Source Directory:
Use the cd command to navigate to the directory containing the files you want to transfer.
Copy code
cd /path/to/source_directory
Use SCP to Copy Files:
To copy a single file, use the following command:
Copy code
scp filename.txt user@destination_server_ip:/path/to/destination_directory
To copy an entire directory and its contents, use the -r option:
Copy code
scp -r sourcedirectory/ user@destination_server_ip:/path/to/destination_directory
Replace filename.txt or sourcedirectory/ with the actual file or directory you want to transfer, user with the username on the destination server, destination_server_ip with the IP address of the destination server, and /path/to/destination_directory with the destination directory path.
Enter Password:
You will be prompted to enter the password for the user on the destination server.
Using SFTP:
Open PuTTY:
Launch PuTTY and connect to the source server using SSH.
Navigate to the Source Directory:
Use the cd command to navigate to the directory containing the files you want to transfer.
Copy code
cd /path/to/source_directory
Initiate SFTP:
Start the SFTP session by typing sftp and pressing Enter.
Copy Files:
Use the put command to copy files from the source server to the destination server.
Copy code
put filename.txt /path/to/destination_directory
To copy an entire directory and its contents, use the -r option:
Copy code
put -r sourcedirectory/ /path/to/destination_directory
Replace filename.txt or sourcedirectory/ with the actual file or directory you want to transfer, and /path/to/destination_directory with the destination directory path.
Exit SFTP:
When you’re done transferring files, type exit to exit the SFTP session.
Remember to replace placeholder values with your actual server and file/directory information. Additionally, ensure that you have the necessary permissions to read from the source and write to the destination directories.

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